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We're Celebrating Heritage and Building Bridges for the Future.
Eden United Church of Christ convened a multi-year project entitled "Bridging Jeff Park: Neighbors Past, Present, and Future" in 2019. Initial charter organizations for this coalition are listed to the left.
"We're excited to bring together these partners who share pride in and commitment to the heritage of our "city within a city," says Pastor Jacki Belile. "We believe that sharing stories of the neighborhood's journey and our own will benefit the sense of common space we feel as residents. Together, we will build Jefferson Park's future together."
Watch for the Phase One report coming soon, which will tell the pre-Covid story of our activities and next steps for neighborhood literacy and collaboration with "neighbors past, present and future."
In 2022-2023, Phase Two visioning has been undertaken. In May 2023, we have committed ourselves to volunteer and resource coordination to aid in supporting our unhoused neighbors, including the surge of refugees and asylum seekers experienced in recent months.
This collaboration with the 16th District and other committed organization partners will be one distinctive project, among others, of Bridging Jeff Park. We anticipate it to be a main focus in Summer-Fall 2023 to meet the current demands.
We appreciate your donations to this project below.
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